How to Make an Engaging Online Course

How to Make an Engaging Online Course

Enrollment in online courses continues to rise. The number of students enrolling in online courses has been increasing in 2022. Online courses can teach nearly all skills, trades, and subjects. Many people are putting technology to work for them by seeking online classes on various topics. But, what makes a decent, high-quality online course? There are criteria for evaluating good teaching practice, but there are none for online teaching. It entails the integration of technology, communication, and learning in a way that traditional classrooms do not. Different criteria must be used to determine what makes an engaging online course.

So, how do you figure out what the most effective model is? Is it the number of pupils who pass or the number of students who receive great grades? Is it the course with the most positive post-course feedback? Is it the most appealing course or the one with the most students? We should take best practices into account and then create based on the needs of the pupils.

Before we get into how to create an engaging course and dive into best practices for effectiveness and engagement, it’s important to remember that your audience must believe the training content is relevant and interesting. Remember that learning is a conscious and voluntary act, so ask yourself, “Will this knowledge benefit my audience in any way?” Will they improve their skills as a result of their newfound knowledge? If you answered yes, you’re well on achieving your goals.

They also entail planning, engaging writing, excellent design, and a learner-focused LMS. When you get it right, however, you’ll have a higher completion rate, a deeper understanding of your topics, and a better chance of meeting your objectives.

What are Online Courses?

The term “online class” refers to a class held through the internet. They’re frequently administered using a learning management system, which allows students to keep track of their course curriculum and academic progress and communicate with their students and instructors.

An online course can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They all have in common, at the most basic level, that they all teach the person taking them knowledge or skills.

Online courses are presented through a website or app and can be viewed on a smartphone, tablet, or web browser. This allows students to access them from anywhere at any time.

They can come in various formats, such as educational videos, audio files, images, worksheets, and other documents. You can easily share them with the users via a link or an email invitation. Most online courses also include discussion forums, community groups, or messaging options, allowing students to interact with one another and the instructor.

Online courses include;

  • Udemy
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • and Talcube.

Purdue University is one of many traditional universities to offer online courses. Above all, an online course must be engaging, so student enjoys the lessons and retains information to apply to their own lives.

A great course is where the student is invested in the learning process and feels a sense of community with classmates and the instructor(s). An interactive component that helps bring the learning to life is required for a course to be successful.

Online education has been proven more effective than traditional face-to-face instruction when used to its full potential. It can be engaging, entertaining, and adaptable to almost any schedule.

Before you Get Started

Creating their first course is the most difficult task for many new to online education. You must consider what you can teach, develop a learning plan, write all the content, record audios or videos as needed, but it all together appealing, and market your work.

However, many course creators make the same mistakes when creating online courses. Course creators are too excited about creating their products and jump right in, often creating a product that no one wants to hear about or see.

You should know three things before you start creating an online course.

  • Find Your Niche

The most common advice is “research and chooses a Niche you have a lot of experience in.” However, it is occasionally preferable to stray from the saying and instead “teach about something you would like to understand yourself.”

If you’re going to teach others, you’ll need to know everything there is to know about the niche. Consider how you would feel if you were standing in front of a group of people who were asking you questions. Would you be able to answer such questions easily, or would you be stumped?

Remember that before you start creating, you’ll want to see how many people are interested in your course concept. If you are the only person on the earth interested in your niche, it might not be the best idea to produce a product about it.

When validating your course concept, consider the following questions:
Is there a high demand for your course concept?
Are there other industry experts who have already developed an online course on this topic?
Do you have thousands of Google hits on a topic in your niche?
Is there a Niche-obsessed community somewhere?

  • Complete and thorough research your topic properly and in-depth

The point is that attempting to create course content that casts a wide net will most likely dilute your content and result in less-than-ideal learning outcomes. Once you’ve decided on an online course niche, do as much research as possible. You can always expand your scope when you have a larger audience and more resources. Let’s say you’ve chosen the niche of “programming” and want to teach others how to do it well.

So think about who you’re going after and what their values are. Here’s an example of a topic list:
Five best programming languages to learn
what programming to learn in 2021

As you can see, creating a more specialized course topic will attract a more defined target audience to your online course and enroll more committed students.

  • Market your course to potential students.

Even if you create the best-written course, it will be useless if no one takes it. You must market your online course.

Ensure that your students can learn about and use the course once it has been created.
Instead, make every effort to get the word out. You can profit well even if you market your course as a beta course. Less has been spent on Kickstarters in the past.

Because your blog and website will serve as information hubs about your course, these are the best places to start marketing it. But you can also put some money behind it by advertising it on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, reaching out to other bloggers for a guest blogging exchange, and sending out an announcement to any email list you’ve built.

You’re ready to start designing your course now that you’ve learned everything there is to know about it. Remember, it’s the little things that add up.

Designing the Course

Consider this article to be a how-to guide for creating an online course. You’ll be ready to start building your online course once you’ve figured out most of these details. This article will take you through the process of developing an online course. From picking the right topic to building a website for your course and making money, there’s a lot to learn.

In five easy steps, you may make an online course:

  • Choose a suitable course topic.

Every major undertaking necessitates preparation. Choosing a major topic of concentration should be the first step in your online course design strategy.

Your students should have a very clear idea of what you’re trying to teach them and how you will do it from the beginning. Unless you’re quite certain you know what you’re doing, making it up as you go along is a recipe for disaster.

Right away, your topic and direction might impact your success. The topic should reflect the precise focus of your course content in the course topic. The direction should explain how your material will reinforce the subject.

Choosing a topic with a motivated audience willing to pay money to learn more about it is critical. Everything will fall in place if you are passionate about your topic of expertise.

  • Choose a Platform for Your Online Course

There is a significant distinction between an online course marketplace and a self-hosted LMS. It’s more of a marketing and awareness move with online course marketplaces.

To increase sales, you’ll need to pick the best online course platform. The top online course platforms can help you achieve your goals by helping you create a course website, accept payments, publish videos, and connect with students.

Our top options for developing and marketing online courses are based on our study and testing of dozens of apps.
• Path wright
• Learn worlds.
• Udemy
• Kajabi.
• Teachable.
• Skillshare
• Thinkific.
• Podia.
• LearnDash.
• Ruzuku.
• Mighty Networks
• Academy of Mine.
• WizIQ.
• Thrive Apprentice
• Uscreen
• Learnyst
• Simplero

  • Create the Course Content

After you have already created your course topic, you’ve likely put together content about it in the past. This is when your market research from the market testing phase and your learning outcomes will come in helpful again. As you sort through your piles of content, toss out anything that isn’t directly relevant to accomplishing a learning outcome.

The objective is to create exciting and interactive courses that keep students engaged on the screen, allowing them to build important practical skills, test those skills, challenge their thinking, and include them as members of a learning community. So, how do your online training courses help you do this? A well-designed online course will guide you through the three phases of the online learning hierarchy.

Explicit Learning: Explicit learning, which is structured and communicates basic concepts and information, is the first step of a well-planned online course. Presentations, readings, audio, video, and web pages offer the content online. Online examinations and quizzes assess the level of knowledge and understanding of ideas.

Applied learning: The next phase of a well-designed online course involves applied learning. You improve your grasp of the subject matter by learning techniques and tactics to apply your knowledge in real-world situations. We measure practical comprehension and applied learning by including the student in scenarios, case studies, and practical tasks.

Tacit learning: Meaningful learning does not happen in a vacuum; the third step entails implicit knowledge, in which you share your ideas and analyses with your online community of peers and coworkers. Well-structured online training is a strong tool for debating, communicating, and working with your professional peers.

  • Structure Your Modules and Course Plan

The structure of your online course is determined by several factors, including the topic matter and teaching style.

Organizing content based on the similarity of traits is an excellent technique to deliver your content to learners. When all data is equal, this strategy is simple to use (without a specific sequence). By bringing together comparable content, grouping content into categories lowers screen clutter. ‘Modules’ are the names for these groups.

This is the step where you look at all of your content and combine similar themes, tips, and concepts into modules. Then, arrange the lectures within those modules in the most progressive and logical order possible, so they make a flowing sequence of lessons.

  • Set Online rates

You’ve decided how to create an online course, choose a platform and media, and write course content based on competitor research and your own experiences. Now it’s up to you to figure out how much you’ll charge.

It can be difficult to determine the correct price for your course, even more so regarding services like online courses. However, there will always be that best spot where your course price appeals to your students while also allowing you to sell your courses profitably.

Students can start with basic information and then upgrade once they see how good your course is. What you can offer and how valuable something is to someone will determine how much you ask for.


In the end, if you understand how learners learn and how to use technology, you can build compelling online courses. Keep in mind that a boring lecture that has been filmed and made available online isn’t an online course; it’s a boring presentation with an “off” button.